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  • No problem Sophie! <3 I hope you can get your name change soon.

    Well I won't be on ACNL for a little bit yet today! Maybe an hour or so? If I see you online when I get on, I will message you and ask if you wanna come over~ I also wanna gather some furniture for Christmas presents for visitors today! That might take a little while, 'cause I'd have to TT to order stuff. I'll just let you know when I'm ready? :3

    Also, Merry Christmas!
    Sounds awesome, are you playing Pocket camp? If you are looking for friends you can add me, 06881780451
    Hey there!! Oh gosh, I hope you are having a wonderful day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And thank you, I had an amazing time with you and Mely~ you were both so nice and respectful, you are always welcomed to come visit anytime. ^^ Again, happy birthday!!! (And I'm going to send a little TBT so you can get your name change a bit faster!)
    We went out at night hoping that it might be less people out, we was wrong lol. I might come on for a bit soon!
    Sure ting! ^^ I haven't been on lately due to Christmas! I just did my Christmas shopping last night and it was crazy out there!
    Hi! I had a really great time and I hope we can hang out again sometime :)
    Hey Zelda! Just wanna let you know, I can open my gates anytime at this point and I'll be on for a few hours. Lemme know if you want to visit~ or, if you'd rather, I can come visit you. Whatever you wanna do! Also, is there anything you need right now? Such as fruits or furniture, etc? I could try to scrounge up some stuff if I have it! I'll also scan in Chai in the RV park (or, if you have a different WA you'd rather there, I might have them too!). No pressure however, if you are busy I totally understand. ^^
    Oh, ok! Well, the next time I'm on I'd be happy to have you come visit. :D Thank you!
    Hi! I've added you also. I'm not on my 3DS right now as I'm spending some time with my hubby & son. Hmm... I didn't have anything written down about opening my gate today. Were we supposed to make a trade & I've forgotten? :confused: If we were supposed to trade, I'm so sorry! Thank you for adding me! :D
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