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  • I feel like you should add a period to his tpc comment and expand the main room
    right off the bat:
    1)i love the outfits layed out on the ground they really compliment each other, especially the yellow wand! (i have got to get myself some round glasses!)
    2.) Your other villagers really do look like the harry potter characters. I saw Ron first and instantly knew who he was without having to read the name
    3.) Did you create those patterns? they're very detailed and very good it makes the wand store look just like the movie. i love the pumpkin patch too. now i want one xD
    4.) Your map layout is perfect!
    I csn tell your town took a lot of work to make because it's so detailed from the out to the inside your homes.

    if I were to recommend 1 thing it would be updating your dream town to night time or foggy do match the movies even more butother than that small bit i love your town!! omg. and hagrid kind of took me off guard xD i forgot you could add makeup to your villagers.
    Ok I'll pay it a visit rn been curious what a harry potter themed town would look like :) I'll let you know what i think
    things are happening irl, so it might be some time before i can get back to you
    hey, you still need the barrel mailbox? i can let you come over and get it tonight (in about five hours)
    Wooohooo! I can’t wait to see! I don’t know if you seen on Pinterest but they have a lot of Harry Potter QR codes :)
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