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  • omg I have never heard of some of these before, but you make it sound so good! What is portabello and banh mi?

    Oh, and your grandma is funny just ordering french fries. I'd probably do the same thing because of the unfamiliarity of the menu. When it comes to restaurants, I'm always super boring and just order the same thing every time no matter what xD
    Wow, that's awesome! What kind of food did they have there? I've always been curious about a vegetarian diet and what you can eat
    Being busy is always a great thing! I haven't been feeling too well (it's that lovely time of the month again x_X) so I've just been watching youtube videos.

    How are you? OuO
    Good morning! I'm sorry I haven't been on skype lately

    Hopefully we can talk a little more on here :D
    That's alright! Still very much interested! I'm on now and will also be on later this afternoon around 4PM EST :)
    Yes! The Stego Skull is the last fossil I need for my museum. I'll give you seven TBT for it if you still have it. Let me know the best time to trade with you and I'll be on.
    Hi! I wanted to say hello on skype, but it seemed like you were busy

    How are you? ^^
    It's okay lol I could tell he was confused. :p give me
    15mins or so to open gates again. I'm gonna get ready for bed then I'll load ac.
    Hi there, did you get enough gems? I'm not sure if your boyfriend was confused or not but I said he could take them all if he wanted to. :p There's still some more left if you'd like them otherwise I'm gonna sell them tomorrow since I don't really have any need for them.
    sorry, the list that has the picture all of your dreamies on it. i want to make mine like that but i suck at drawing.
    hey i was just wondering how and what you use to make your cool list. i think it looks really cool.
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