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  • Congrats, you won my mush set giveaway! Let me know when you would like to come pick it up. My friend code is in my profile, and it is my extra town of Redbud. :)
    Awh, okay. I was actually gonna give it to my IRL bestie [mayormako] as a make-up gift. I kinda screwed up our science project. I'd say price isn't an issue, but I only have 700,00-something bells.

    you can drop it off in a minute. I'll leave my gate open!
    Ah I'm sorry I saved while you messaged! But thank you! :3

    I'd like to see how you use all those roses haha
    i made a new topic for my hybrid flower shop so ifyou still want your order from the last topic please post in the new topic what you wanted
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