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  • 15, you got it!! ii usually do 1tbt per bush, bht if you dont want to spend the tbt you can make me an offer of igb :)

    ii added your fc and am ready now if you are
    Thank you :) You don't have to rate the thread or leave feedback but I definitely appreciate it! And yeah, unfortunately if you're visiting my town to buy RV items, each item costs 5 meow coupons each. For me, it'd be 3 each. :)
    Sorry for the DC! it's unusual that would happen... anyways, my gates are open again!
    Hello! I see you are online at the moment, and I was wondering if you'd like to pick up your items now? I was able to get another blue rose, so I have 3 black roses and 3 blue roses waiting for you! Just let me know when you're available~
    My apologies, but I must have miscounted and I am currently lacking one blue rose. Your total will then be 1mil Bells. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you.
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