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  • Hi Doo! Just wanted to check and see how you’re doing 🙂. I hope you’re doing good today! 💜
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    Reactions: Doo
    Hi Dun! Thank you for checking in with me! I’m doing quite well. Although tbtwc was a lot of fun, I’m glad to be able to rest 😂 and I’m feeling better getting more sleep.
    How about you? I hope everything’s good with you. 💜
    I’m glad to hear that! ☺️💜 Yeah same! I’m glad I can unwind more now 🙂. I’m doing good, thanks :D.
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    Reactions: Doo
    Hi Doo! I hope you’re doing better today. I just want to let you know that you are one of the nicest people that I know here 💜. I don’t know what happened but you’ve shown nothing but kindness to me and everyone 🙂. I hope tomorrow will be better for you 🫂.
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    Reactions: Doo
    Thank you Dun 💜 not a lot happened, I just worry that I’ve upset people because I can’t always tell. You’re so lovely.
    Hi! I just wanted to check up on you; I hope you’re doing okay 🙂. Also wanted to tell you that I really enjoy seeing you around. I get how you feel; I feel like that a lot too. I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. 💜
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    Reactions: Doo
    Aww thank you Dun, it means a lot. I enjoy seeing you around too, you’re so kind to everyone.
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    Reactions: Doo
    Oh wow, you’re famous! 😂
    I’ve just realised that’s the same OC you have in your about section, they’re so cute!
    • Love
    Reactions: Suguri
    Aw, thank you! But I'm not famous on there; the community's a lot bigger than in TBT.
    You only joined over 4 weeks ago (on my birthday, coincidentally enough!) and already you have almost 2000 posts. Here I am with an account made in 2022 and I'm not as active as you are. I'm glad you're enjoying TBT though. I can tell :)
    Hi!! Not sure if this counts as dusting, but ty for bonking my post with the toy hammer, I love it so much!

    *dust, dust* :)
    • Bonk
    Reactions: Doo
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