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  • man college needs to calm down D: that sounds great! and experimental's always good, it's interesting to see new/different things. Could I request my mayor? I'll have a good reference later tonight that isn't a) super large or b) really unclear and pixelly because the 3ds camera is terrible. ^^;
    That's fine! I'm really patient. Just come on by whenever you're ready. And yes, you can pay via your second town ^^
    Whee, map resetting, the most fun thing :p Art sounds great, I've seen the work in your thread and I love it so much but between textbooks and the need to replace my laptop soon I can't afford anything :< so yeah I'd adore that!

    I can hold him as long as you need~
    Hey, are you still interested in Chester? I saw your post in the thread, and I still have him boxed in my cycling town. I can hold him if need be~
    Hi, Genji pinged to moved from my town. I won't be available to trade him for another 2 days tho. Lmk if you're interested ^^
    oh!!! that's all okay! sorry about that, don't worry, we can definitely try tomorrow ^_^ we left off at 8! :)

    have fun and see you again soon!!
    ok i got an error o: gonna try again, hopefully you didn't get an error // your gates arent closed
    thank you thank you!! can you wait 30 mins? i gotta eat dinner real quick ;;;; i'll add you as soon as possible!! //
    Hello * - * !! I'm flattered to hear that ((your art is super cute btw )). Thanks so much!
    For dreamies I'm not too sure since I'm pretty indecisive ;;; But I am in need of bells, so hopefully I'll host an auction later on DA. At the moment I still need to finish off one more trade before I can even consider taking on more ;; v ;; Thanks so much for your interest, I appreciate it!
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