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  • Heyoo! Just curious how buuunni's siggy is coming along!

    Hope you are well! I am trying to stay warm....super super cold here in the states!
    Omg did someone be mean to you?
    Omg I'm so sorry that happened!
    That person is an idiot and doesn't know what they are talking about, you are an awesome person and don't forget that. They are probs just a little kid thinking they know better.
    Anyway, okay! That's fine c: I'm not gonna force you c:
    Yay! Cool C:
    Today is Saturday for me as well aha
    Maybe stream? :rolleyes:
    But could you maybe use if you stream? As your stream doesn't work for me! D:
    A new art dump thread for my sketches and pixels. I've been thinking its about time I made an pixel dump, but I think its a good idea to keep all the art dump stuff in one thread.
    Well I've only been seeing TBT members towns..... But some are really cool! :)
    Wow that's boiling! (-_-;)
    lol really?!?! that would be awesome!! if you wanna make him small or a pixel, i mean you could do that. whatever you wanna do i'm down :D:D
    hi poppet would you be able to draw a toothless chibi? if so how much? sorry to bother you but i was thinking of you since your art is so fantastic. i know you're busy with a lot of orders but i wanted to ask just in case<3
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