kesttang Nov 18, 2014 Omg, thank you! You're awesome. Have a goodnight! I'll see you next time on your stream.
kesttang Nov 18, 2014 Ahhh, I missed the link to that Chester! :[ Lol, I was making dinner. Could you please message me the link? Thank you for the wonderful livestreaming. Looking forward to more! Enjoying watch you draw different characters.
Ahhh, I missed the link to that Chester! :[ Lol, I was making dinner. Could you please message me the link? Thank you for the wonderful livestreaming. Looking forward to more! Enjoying watch you draw different characters.
Dasbreenee Nov 18, 2014 Hm. Odd. She was just walking around in my void. I just wanted to make sure in case you didn't get her!
Hm. Odd. She was just walking around in my void. I just wanted to make sure in case you didn't get her!
Dasbreenee Nov 17, 2014 Did bunnie ever move in? Because she's in my void. And I thought they didn't go into the void if someone adopted them.
Did bunnie ever move in? Because she's in my void. And I thought they didn't go into the void if someone adopted them.
ObeseMudkipz Nov 17, 2014 Last time I checked he was 100% original Yea you can have him for free but a tip is much appreciated
ObeseMudkipz Nov 16, 2014 Mm i'll give you a few more minutes and if you aren't on I'll try holding him toll tomorrow
augafey Nov 16, 2014 I'm here right now! Adding your FC. Message me when you're ready and I will open the gates!
Lavandula Nov 16, 2014 Hi, I have Bunnie in boxes if you're still looking for her. She is up for auction:
Hi, I have Bunnie in boxes if you're still looking for her. She is up for auction:
augafey Nov 16, 2014 Eloise is boxed up and ready to go! I am currently not in the vicinity of WiFi, but let me know if you still want her!
Eloise is boxed up and ready to go! I am currently not in the vicinity of WiFi, but let me know if you still want her!