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  • Yep, I have soem. Though i'm super exhausted since i worked a 12 hour shift today. Do you mind trading tomorrow? :)
    ok just give me a few minutes... ill let you know when i open my gates
    i have 26 blue pansies
    and i think you wanted 20 blue roses? 35-15 = 20
    and a single blue violet. these blue hybrids are 5tbt each yep. 47 x 5 = 235
    normal flowers go for 10 for 1tbt
    ah just wondering, how much locker space do you have? do you have all 180 spots? :v
    cuz we could just get you to come over and stuff your locker full and just count from there minus the 47
    oh fast reply LOL
    would you like delivery or pick up?
    ill have to see how many white normal flowers i have.
    hi are you still interested in the blue hybrids excluding 15 blue roses and all white normal flowers? :v

    thread here
    hey, are you still looking for beau?
    i could try to get him to ping me
    holy **** when your poppy decides to move can i please have her? i got robbed and lied to about 5 times when i tried getting her from ppl to the point where im desperate LOL
    hii your inbox is full!
    but bluebear is ready to move if you still want her, I can hold her for a week if you don't have space~
    I won't be on between 3pm - 6pm because of classes but after that I'm available. 8)
    Haha, no sorry! It's for Fauna.

    Edit: But I don't mind if you need a few days to make space for her. Just message me when you're ready. I'll be going to bed in about 15 minutes.
    You're out of storage space in your inbox.
    But I'm ready whenever you are for the adoption.
    I have to go to school now so if you can't hold her then you can give her to the other guy :( sorry!
    I do but I think I only have the time to transfer 7mil...I know it sounds really suspicious but would you be willing for me to transfer the remaining 4mil after school? :)
    ill have to make two drips with different characters.

    aurora will have mushrooms and clovers
    draco will have bushes and clovers
    i'll be on later! that's fine. And yep I should be on, :D just PM me when you are available

    your pm is full lol. Have fun at school
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