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  • I spend a lot of time on each piece, as I don't want to give sloppy work to anyone. A chibi could take me anything from 2 hours to 10 hours. I love drawing though, so I do enjoy it. It's very rare that I don't follow through with an order, and the times I don't it's because the customer either doesn't want the art anymore, got banned, or just don't go on the forum anymore. Nothing to do with my own inability to draw their art.
    I understand how it is struggling with drawing other peoples characters. Sometimes it is really hard and sometimes you just can't. I think communication is key then. Always best to be upfront with your customers, whether it's a trade or not. Communication is the most important thing within any service whether it's art or selling macaroni :p
    Haha thank you. I'm always swamped with orders so I don't feel I'm doing anything wrong even though I'm now considered expensive. (Funny since I was considered cheap when I started it, at the same price) xD
    I like your pokemon shop. Glad you aren't succumbing to others and feeling pressured into changing. As long as you provide good quality service other people will come to your shop rather than the cheaper ones. Yes, not everyone will see that, and they are indeed not worth the time ^_^
    They aren't the first one, and they won't be the last one. My prices has been the same since TBT was worth 400k per 100. It's now 10 times the price, and I haven't lowered my prices since as I don't care for the in game value of the currency, and just the currency itself. And seeing as my auctions has sold for 5k a piece, I don't find my prices unfair at all. It is not up to other people to value my work anyway. I'm the one who values it, and decides on a price I find fair for the time I spend on it. Also as I have customers still at my prices, there's obviously something wrong with that persons statement. Even though they are entitled to their own opinion. ^_^
    Meh, everyone are entitled to their own opinions. I know it isn't allowed to criticize other peoples artwork unless they ask for it. I'd say the same would go for pricing. I don't really care either way to be honest. My chibis are priced what they are, and it's not going to change because some random person comes and complains about it. ^_^
    I'm actually glad you didn't say more stuff as arguments easily gets out of hand, and I'd say my shop isn't worth getting an infraction over. So thank you for leaving it where you did. If they say anything else I'll just call in a mod to handle it. c:
    IT was Garbodor who did the best XD I was like wait you are actually kinda good?
    Lol. I just tried out another team ([mega] Blastoise, Heliolisk, Gardevoir, Breloom, Bisharp, Garbodor) And I just crushed this guy in OU
    XD I havent tried a battle with a fully competitively trained team, but Im usually pretty dumb when using ingame teams in battles XD

    The team I tried out on showdown was Stunfisk, (Mega) Mawile, Lopunny, Weavile, Roserade, Gallade. It has proven itself to be quite devastating :D
    Hi! I want to run my ingame team for this X playthrough by you for criticism.
    moves not decided
    moves not decided
    moves not decided
    Leaf Storm, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Venoshock
    Moonblast, Toxic, Petal Dance, Energy Ball
    Surf, Ice Beam, Waterfall, Hydro Pump.

    14 XD I got mine 2 years ago XD I destroyed things when I was little XD
    Yeh. Like I didnt think "Hey maybe itt will fix if I update my ds" I thought " AHH ITS BROKEN NOOOOO SCREW Y YOUNGER SELF DROPPING THINGS" XDDDDDD
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