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  • Aw even so private bathrooms in your room would've been much better :c And yeah too bad about the roommate, it would have been a great way to make your first new friend there ;o;
    AAHH I BET YOU ARE I FEEL EXCITED FOR YOU. You're gonna live the the nerd dorms amazing. Oh and you're gonna have like roommates and stuff? o:
    all i can imagine is guys in togas shouting and playing beer pong oh man. No but seriously it seems so cool like you're becoming a grown-up and stuff and you're learning astrophysics and stuff like what if you discover a thing like woah (i sounds like a 5 year old but wtv). So wait you're gonna live in a dorm? c:
    WOW OKAY HAHA oopsifeeldumb. Oh and yeah I've heard of them o: Like only in the movies, really. And nah I'm pretty sure we don't have that here.
    Wait Greek life what. Ah i hope not. We had to study that in the 6th grade and i was awful at it (also i had a perv 60 y/o teacher who'd shout at the camera to panel down when showing the torsos of naked athletes and that scarred me). It's real cool that'd you're gonna study something you're passionate about.
    omg parties and dorms and junk. Astrophysics sounds pretty cool but very hard wow ;-; Ooh maybe one day you'll be in one of those science shows you see on tv where they explain stuff the viewer won't remember c'x And yeah i live in the french part of canada (so quebec). I think colleges are the same? Idek man
    aww man that's great ;o; I'll probably be stuck with something lame like accounting //had to give up on psychology cause reasons. Tbh whenever I hear "college" I think of those ones in american movies with dorms and parties and stuff pff
    it'll probably take 2 million reads for me to understand c'x But i guess now that means i have to sign up and get positive karma then wait 14 days ;-; By the time i get one I'll already have school :'c I really just wanna lay in bed for another 2 months.
    oh ah i didn't see that ye ;o; I read them but apparently my reddit account would have have to be 14 days old and with positive karma (i... suppose that means upvotes and stuff?) Sigh :c i guess ill try it out if i really can't find one here ye. Thanks so much for the tip!
    Haha I'm planning on transferring the mudkips and my shiny swampert so I can get a mega too! Hope you get a shiny mudkip soon
    the Ditto has been checked and so has the Togetic :/ idk. I will try again later.
    Thanks, haha. I do have a decent chimchar from the Japanese one I gave you. And I need to check the Totodile I found's IVs. Anyways, the destiny knot confuses me. I thought five of one of the parents IVs were gauranteed to be passed down, but when I bred a 5 and 6 IV, The togepi had 1 IV .-.
    I was afraid to set up a shop becuase as of right, now, the only pokemon I can breed effectively for IVs are the ones you gave me. Eh, Imma do it XD
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