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  • lol no worries! opening for you now (there are a couple of violets i grabbed that you could have as well, if you still wanted them!)
    hi! let me know when you are online, i have your order ready~! send tbt when you can.
    pick up please c:, ill show you where your stuff is! (if you want me to drop off that's cool too, i don't mind.) gates are open for you, lulu from mallow!
    haha, i take pride in my work. and sure take you time in your trade!! thank you !
    hi! let me know when you can pick up the azaleas c:. send the tbt when you can.
    I have many many orange and black flowers along with golden roses,Jacob's ladders, and white carnations! I also have some blue pansies. Please tell me if you are interested! :) If so please tell me how many your want of each and I will see what I can do!
    Hi! Bruce is in boxes now. Please let me know if you're still interested, and when you'd be able to pick him up c:
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