Ehingen Guy

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  • Dang, thank you! I should've figured. I don't have an amino reader or cards so I didn't even consider that was how you get them. Thanks again!
    Hiya, sorry I missed you the other day. Would you still be willing to sell me 30 black roses?
    Sorry! I went away for a bit. I already dropped off Katie elsewhere earlier, and I would love to visit your town, but since you asked me first you can come to my town first. I'll add you now. Let me know whenever you are ready and I will open my gates for you.
    My town could use a little gardening lol. I actually do need some help with it because I want more hybrids and my flowers keep wilting :( I also am available to let you in today whenever you are ready. I also was hoping to visit your town as well if its okay. I need somewhere to drop off Katie today lol
    Sorry I have really been busy :( I am at work right now but I can definitely open for you tomorrow. Just be aware that my town is currently a mess.
    Hey sorry, I have been busy the past few days. You can visit tomorrow though if you still want to
    Actually was about to go off for a bit, sorry :( I could definitely VM you later on though when it is a good time to come over to my town.
    Oh sorry lol I don't know why I thought you meant in real life lol. Well yeah I love gardening in the game, especially roses and hybrids. I had a nice one but one time trying out time travelling ruined it :( Luckily some generous forum members have given me some flowers. It is good to know someone else likes gardening here too, I will definitely need some advice lol
    Do you mean gardening in real life? I meant gardening in Animal Crossing lol. Well actually I would love to get into gardening in real life but sadly I don't have a backyard :(
    Oh my I have no idea what happened? I'm so sorry! Anyways, my farm is on my beach away from the animals and their random planting ==" so obnoxious
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