no problem i understand, hoping to hear a reply's up to four now lol. I know a friend has a few towns but one is her cycling and i don't want to hold her up
I asked to reserve him in hopes a friend might have a spot open. I already asked 3 of them but i don't think they have room...i will have to go through my list now to see who i trust the most lol
It will probably work out perfect for you to get mine. It's not a cycle town and it's still five days from her move date. Just vm me whenever you want her. ...And then if I accidentally void her you still have Danielle's. =)
I am slow cycling and playing in real time without TTing so she should be around for a bit. I might try to get Julian out this weekend, i'll keep you posted
Hey i saw your post on 3dews cycling thread, she's a friend of mine lol. I have Merengue in my town for my cycle and i was planning on giving her away when she pinged (she was my 10th so Julian has to leave before her) if you're interested?
Sorry, I sent you a PM by mistake instead of sending you a visitor message. But I can send you the btb now and then come to pick Kiki up once she's TT into boxes if that works for you.