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  • I can’t get her I’m sorry someone else moved in if I get get someone to leave maybe I can
    I’m so sorry for the late reply, I’ve been without internet for a bit :( I was wondering if you take tbt or igb?
    omg i think i know why.. i used to have bam in my town like 3 years ago and i guess i havent cycled enough villagers out of my town, cause you need to get 16 out until the same villager can move in again right? T____T
    he just kept saying how much of a hassle moving is... he didnt mention my town at all. should i come back and try again or should i try time travelling? :S
    i checked my town and i have 9 villagers, and i went all over and there arent any new plots... i didnt go to any other town after i TT’d too. maybe bam is already moving somewhere else?
    hey! yes i am! sorry i just knew now that vm’s give you a notification! ill add you now
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