kaylagirl Mar 26, 2015 Okay! Want to set up 5 flowers or fruit in retail for 999,999 each, or would you like me to drop it all? c: adding you now!
Okay! Want to set up 5 flowers or fruit in retail for 999,999 each, or would you like me to drop it all? c: adding you now!
kaylagirl Mar 26, 2015 Just saw it! Let me go grab my DS and get my bag empty, how many bells was it again? c:
MagsyPies Mar 26, 2015 I've found someone else who's giving her to me but if that doesn't work I'd like to come back for her Writing here because your inbox is full
I've found someone else who's giving her to me but if that doesn't work I'd like to come back for her Writing here because your inbox is full
P P people Mar 26, 2015 AHH!! Really? Thank you so much! I am currently full but someone should be asking to move out shortly Thank you so much! You made my night
AHH!! Really? Thank you so much! I am currently full but someone should be asking to move out shortly Thank you so much! You made my night
peachesandicecream Mar 26, 2015 WHAT!!! What's his username ill get it back from you or contact a Mod he has to give it back
peachesandicecream Mar 25, 2015 Yeah i'll be on like 7-8pm after swim I think and You have to get your TBT back!!!!!!!!