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  • I am at a coffee shop at the moment, using their wifi on my iPad. I don't know if the signal is strong or stable enough to do a trade on my 3DS. I would wait until I get home. I am just doing some school work at the moment. I should be home in an hour or two. If you're online then, I can invite you over, but if you like we can do it tomorrow - as I said I will be home all day :) Today I am away from home because my boyfriend is grading exams for the course he GAs for and I am studying fora midterm..... and we get out of the house away from distractions. I just went on TBT to take a break (and I guess procrastinate a little - lol!).
    Sorry I didn't catch you while you were online! :( I will be available ALL DAY tomorrow so I will gladly have you over then :) Sorry about the wait!
    Hello! The pink rose is sold, but I still have ten of each colour hydrangea if you'd like for 60 BTB. c: I just have to drop off the order before yours, and then you can pick them up if that's alright?
    Hi! Thank you for your interest in buying some grab bags! Keep in mind with the promotion, when you buy 12 you get 3 free! So Your total is 60 TBT, but you will be getting 15 presents :) Let me know when you are free and I will gladly have you over! Thanks again!
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