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  • Daww, that's so unrealistic but I appreciate your hope for my winning something xD
    I wonder if Julia wins again. That'd be hilarious.
    But I do love it when other people win. It makes me feel happy when people win things for some reason.
    Hi C: I'd like to thank you for all the awesome giveaways you do! I don't win anything. Ever. But still it's so generous! C:
    Hey :) Your inbox is full.
    I'd like to buy from you again ^^
    - All unorderable papers
    - Purple pansy bag
    - Black cosmo bag
    Hey, whenever you're online again, let's make the fedora chair-snow bunny trade. I want a snow bunny so bad lol
    Your inbox is full -- check your wetsuit thread if you haven't yet :)
    I still have the sweets set for you, let me know when you want to trade tomorrow. I'll probably be online most of the day so hope to catch you then!
    I'd be willing to trade any of these for the hibiscus, eggplant cow, and Yut board.

    Sweets set x1
    Amethyst x1
    Emerald x1
    Ruby x1
    Gold x1
    Kappa cap x1
    Gold roses x2
    Arwing x1
    Sailboat model x1
    picnic basket x1
    coin x1
    royal crown x1
    cabana wall radio x1
    Rudy's pic x1
    afternoon tea set x1
    I sent you a message about the Hair Bow Wig, but you have exceeded your PM space. :eek:

    My gates are open for now, and they will stay open. If you could come soon that would be much appreciated! :)

    I have the 500k here, waiting.
    Thanks Illyana! :)
    Hey! My DS is having issues connecting to the internet. Is it alright if we do this trade tomorrow? :) thank you.
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