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  • Sure, as long as you follow me to my villagers ~
    I have a bunch of random items laying around rn.
    my Sig is really old, but yes, I have 2 of him. If anything, I wish I could give one away.
    That's very sweet of you to look out for me. c:
    Hello! Sorry to bother you but you forgot the purple rose. :] I'll leave my gates open still.
    Are you still intrested in Lobo, becuase I can keep him on hold for you. let me kow hoe long it might be thouhg if your are still interested.
    Well unfortunately, Erik has just cancelled his intention to leave probably because i kept talking to him frequently.
    And also, i play the game on 3DS Emulator so i don't think i can give you any villager who wants to move out
    ty for the bells and hope you enjoy having Zucker! :) but as a general advice to keep in mind, please try not to run in other people's towns, as it can wear out the grass and destroy flowers. Have a lovely day!~
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