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  • Again, thank you so much and sorry for the waiting inconvenience. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! :)
    So sorry for that inconvenience, and I'm able to trade again; I did manage to get the Seaking and egg back though. How much do I owe so I can send it now :)
    Hello! I just saw your VM and thank you, but I hope by then the ban goes away. It's because I was trading on the GTS, and I traded my Seaking holding a Lucky egg; and when I realized that I turned off the DS but now I'm waiting and it's been 6 hours.
    she says she's ready whenever you are! if you want to just lmk when you're online i'll pass the message along :)
    Oh yes, 11 pm is perfect! But thanks for your concern! Work was pretty tiring tbh! But I'll survive, I have to ^^ anyways, I'll be on all evening and night today, so just feel free to message me once you are back and ready :)
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