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  • Alright! I'll give this guy 5 mins to answer. If he doesn't, I'll void Goldie. :(
    That would mean you'll probably get her. Is that fine?
    Ooh nice! :D hahah no worries. I'm still waiting for the other person to come over and pick Goldie up. I'm not sure if he's still here, he hasn't said anything in over 10 mins. :eek:
    Tell me when you've got Diana in boxes. I'll keep up the Goldie thread until then. :)
    Okay, sounds great! Also, my memory is kinda bad, but do we have each others friend code already? :eek:
    Great! Goldie wanted to move on first try! So, I know she's quuuiiite popular and is it okay if I sell her first? :)
    If no one answers in 15 min, I'll void her!
    Unless maybe you want her? O: :)
    Ok, I'll try getting someone out now, then. ^^
    Hopefully a villager that's not a dreamie will ping me first try. :p
    Wow, you're the nicest!! So I'm wondering, is it a hurry with Diana? Like, do you want me to try to get someone out as fast as possible, or can I wait until tomorrow? (It's 11PM, I wake up approx. 7AM) :) Also, let me know if you want something for holding her!
    i've decided to remake my town into a theme and alice wouldn't be a part of it. so no but thank you anyway.
    I do have Chrissy but don't plan on getting rid of her, but if she doesn't happen to end up in boxes, you'll be the first person I'll let know :)
    so I'm using my phone as a hotspot right now so I can do it! how much tbt do u want for him? btw I'm adding your fc right now
    I do have room for him but won't be home where I have wifi til tomorrow afternoon ;( I can give you some tbt to hold on to him for me please
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