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  • I'm not sure; with the way I feel right now, I might be asleep by then, but I don't know
    Sorry for the late response! I might not be here at 6:30, as I have plans tonight. But if we can't do it today, I'll hold her for you until tomorrow.
    Hello! I saw you were looking for Felicity. If you still want her, I currently have her moving out, if you'd like to come adopt her for free c:
    Guess you are offline already and forgot to sign off. I am signing off now to sleep. Catch me tomorrow for the superhero mask
    esweeeny - Order ready
    superhero mask 1200 + fee = 2,000
    Add my FC and respond to this VM to let me know when you are ready.
    Ok, I just place alot of orders and it will be a while before yours arrive and we are waiting for the servers to come back on. I will send you a VM when it is ready for delivery. Add my FC and I will add yours soon.
    Sure! Blanche moved out last week and I need new snooty. Still distance myself from society so that I won't get random move ins lol. Thank you again! :)
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