Thank you so much for your support btw it really means a lot.. ;-; And that's really cool you work at a dog resort. c: What do you do there exactly? I've never been to one, so the whole entire concept just sounds really fascinating to me! x) This might be a long shot but do you happen to know anything about brain tumors in dogs? My baby actually ended up having another seizure today. :/ And I read that brain tumors are fairly common amongst older dogs, and seizures are a major sign she may have one. The vet said in order to find out what exactly is wrong with her we have to do a bunch of tests including an MRIs and the price tag for all that is over $3,000. And even if we did confirm a brain tumor I don't think I can put her through the treatment... So mainly I guess what I'm looking for is how can I tell if she's in any pain? Or would something like that be apparent? >.<