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  • hello esweeny! i might be able to get diana out today, just letting you know!
    Hey~ If you didn't find her elsewhere already, Skye is in my cycling town! You can have her when she moves if you'd like <3
    Oooh!!! Did you make it? In any case, it's an amazing and cute picture!!! ❤️❤️
    Unfortunately you can't download pics from tinypic to your phone. :(
    Thank you, I am too! :) I won't exaggerate if I say this has been by far the villager it took me the longest to get...
    Thank you ❤️
    I could've started class 11:30 today, but they changed the schedule yday, and now I start 8:30, and I have a 2 hours long break until 11:30... it's so useless and unnecessary. :/
    Ugh actually, I won't bother. I haven't seen anyone ask for her in the looking for thread in a very long time, and she DID fall down surprisingly far in the popularity list. I don't know, I don't feel like starting up my game even.
    Not sure what's up, but I don't feel to happy today.
    Yayy! I'm glad you got her!!
    Well... it takes a good while for her to get picked up lately. She's not as popular anymore, but well. I can always try.
    I understand now why lots of threads have rules like that. The ones who don't follow the rules probably wouldn't be the best to trade with anyway.
    Yeah, GuerraD. The Moon Cycling thread has Kidd for free and he's reserved for her, so I think she'll get him. Why would MayorJudyOfZootopia want Kidd, anyway? He's not even that popular. I wonder if she takes villagers just because other people want them?
    Yes!!! Believe, SaltedKaramel, and pinklolipop34 are all on my side besides you. It feels good to not be the only one who has a problem with what she's doing.
    MayorJudyOfZootopia is driving me insane! Like, stop asking for villagers already. I saw her messages to you begging for your lovely free villagers and I'm so disgusted.
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