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  • I can just let you have the carnations as a sort of payment for helping me with this haha, and I don't really have too much of a need for bells anyways :p
    I haven't counted but there's a fair amount of my town that's covered with them and I don't think they would fit very well for me
    Hey there! Sorry I couldn't make it last night for the flower organizing (fell asleep) so maybe we could try sometime today? I should be free in like an hour or two hopefully but I'll let you know! I already have a few flowers on hand so I don't think you'll have to bring anything over; I also have quite a lot of carnations so I think I can spare a few for you! =)
    Ah, sorry for posting again, but would you like me to come over instead? I'm going to go offline soon, but don't want to miss getting the casual outfit. Thanks! :)
    Hi! I'm still ready for you to come over. I just closed my gate since I'm switching to one of my other characters, but when you're ready let me know & I'll reopen. ^^
    Oh, thank you! I'll open my gate now if you'd like to come over. Town is Oinari. Thanks again!!! :D
    Just wanted to say that I visited your town and I LOVED IT :] The gems on the bridge and around the plaza were super cute! I also loved the same flower pattern along the water :]
    No, it's nothing. ^^ I just love sharing w/ others when I can. So, how many bells would you like for? Feel free to let me know how much you feel is fair. I don't mind. :D
    Lmao, sure that sounds great~ <:
    You can plan out the roads if you wanna. <:
    But make sure to use only the black flowers and the white Lilies/Roses and Red Pansies. ^^
    You can put all the hybrids and non hybrids in the beach. <:
    Once the beach is filled, all the non-hybrids that are left can be sold ( Other then the ones near the plaza and on the left of the map. ), the other left over hybrids can be just left there. ^^
    Oh, sorry is that I'm trying to not use them in trade since I'm struggling to breed them & make hybids (white ones) as a surprise for my best friend's town. She really wants carnations and has had no luck w/ them. And I sadly only have four of each red and pink and only two white atm since I just started w/ breeding them. So, I don't want to use them in trades yet. T_T
    I hope bells are still good for the trade. If I manage more carnations I'll surely let you know to see if you'd still want some for free of course. I love spreading the love of flowers after all. ^^
    I'm actually gonna be drawing as you work, I hope that's alright. :eek:
    I currently just want all the stray flowers put onto the beach, any other extra regular flowers that don't fit in the beach can be sold at re-tail.

    All items on the floor, just leave them there. <:

    Thank you~
    Ah, great, thanks! I don't have much in carnations sorry, but anything from 30k or higher I can offer for the casual outfit. So feel free to let me know how much you feel is fair. And if you'd want me to come over to your town or you come to mine. Whichever is fine for me. Thanks again! ^_^
    Yes! I'm opened now, sorry went to take a quick nap. xD Tell me when you'
    re back. <:
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