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  • sob i'm sorry if anyone's had a trade planned with me in the last month, i've been alternating between really busy since i've got a ton of work to submit before friday and being sick. or both. if you've been looking for me at all once the mp ends i'll be on more consistently! ;w;
    Hi!! Your inbox is full;
    I'm no longer selling the shaved ice lamp, I'm really sorry!! How much would you pay for just the Arcade Machine and the Rainbow tights?
    I'm ready to trade whenever you're ready. Remember to add my FC so I can open my gates after :p
    Okay, I'm going to bed right now so I'm going to go ahead and add you, then open my gates. If you don't make it within 20-40 minutes from now then unfortunately I will not be available later to give her to you. I hope you understand!
    Sure thing! Just message me whenever you're ready! Obviously as it's almost 11 and I have college tomorrow it'll have to be soon!
    Hey! You've won the auction for Lily! Unfortunately, you were the only user that placed a bid on her, so as a thank you for that I've decided to just let you have her for free :) MSG me when you're ready to pick her up!
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