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  • Yess!! That's exactly what I want if I had a 2nd cartridge! I'd just want to have fun and not worry about who is moving in or whether or not they'll take that pwp spot I've been saving. My town right now, I want it to be beautiful and I enjoy making it that way but it can be so stressful sometimes if something doesn't end up the way I want it to.
    I almost gave away Curly. He is my starter and the very first villager to give me his pic. He could very well be my fave. I remember I said ok to him moving just to get a tier 1 in and after I did that I panicked xD I got him to stay but after that I vowed I'd never lose a good villager over a popular one! Once you reset, if you'd let me, I'd love to come and visit.
    I know EXACTLY what you mean though. When I first came here I went a little crazy with the idea of getting tier 1 villagers, but then I decided I'd rather have villagers that meant something to me regardless of their status. I have a few 'popular' villagers, but I'm ok with it because I have reasons for wanting them, not just because they're tier 1/2. I got Stitches because he reminds me of a stuffed bear that's been passed down to each sibling in our family. I also got Rudy because he reminds my mum and I of our kitty that passed away last year. Merengue moved in on her own and finally Diana because I really like Bruce and thought it would be cute to pair him with a female deer. Deirdre was my 1st choice but I already have 2 uchis! I still have some of my unattractive starters because I just love them too much! If I had a 2nd cartridge, I'd do what you're thinking of doing and just get whoever pops by! I'd hack it too though!!!
    Hahaha me too! I buy stuff I don't even need for no specific purpose. I just got Gracie's last week and I've bought like 6 cowboy boots. Why? No friggin' idea, but there they are, in my museum rooms, taking up space because of course my museum rooms are also closets... I try to clean out my rooms and my closet but it always ends up the same way. I only offered because I have a new character with free locker space but it's clear I'm going to need that one to hoard stuff in as well >_>...
    What villagers are you planning on getting if you reset?
    I hope you get good placement too! Resetting sounds stressful xD lol
    I've never had so many issues with it! I've placed 7 of my 10 and it happened within an hour or less of trying but I've been trying all day and I can't! I am being picky though... I want Diana next to Bruce but she refuses!
    Oh man, I'm holding stuff for someone right now because they're resetting lol. I hope they find their map soon because I keep buying things and I'm running out of space xD
    I totally jinxed it and now she won't come near it! Hahahahaha sorry I just thought I'd share xD
    well if it gets really bad i think we should continue tomorrow (around the same time we started today if that's ok with you) but lets try
    no worries It's just gonna take longer (I myself don't really mind it taking too much longer) can you tell me when to come back?
    Ahhhhhhhh that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me here!!! T^T/♡ So sweet! It's not easy doing these giveaways and having to transfer items and that amount of bells and you're not even doing it because you have to, so it's not like anyone has a right to be so imposing about it. Beggars can't be choosers, right? [Insert laughing villager here] xD But really thanks for saying that and my offer still stands: if you need help with something let me know. I have a feeling I'm getting closer to putting Diana where I want her since she gets closer and closer, so I should be done soon!
    That's quite alright, I don't mind at all! ^^ I think it's pretty and I've been wanting to do a themed room in one of my characters' house, I'll mix and match and it'll be great.
    But anyway, if you need help with anything let me know~ dunno what I could do but I could try ></
    I understand! I once laid out a bit for my secondary character and got tired by the 3rd bag xD So take your time, I'm in no hurry really as I can't do much with it at the moment since I'll be away and won't have much time to play until I come back. I'm plot resetting too and it's taking forever... ;^; anyway, just let me know when you're free. Wednesday I'll be home by mid afternoon at the latest and since we're both EST it won't be a prob to figure something out. Anyway, thanks again! Hope it doesn't get to be too much for you :eek:
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