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  • Dude join diretide in Dota 2 (its more easier I tell ya) you can get items fir free FAST!!
    No problem, actually one just asked to move so this wont take long at all. I just don't want this one to go to void so I'm gonna make a giveaway thread real quick.
    I'm time travelling and not one has asked to move yet :( I'm trying to do this asap, I'm sure it won't take that long. How long could you wait?
    Thank you for Rosie!
    I'll let you know when Punchy decides to move. I've been talking to him a lot so maybe, is going to want to move soon^^
    Hm, I can't see your town on my list. But it said that I successfully added you to my 3DS friends.
    I'm adding you now :3 You can't believe how happy I am that I can still pick Rosie up :3
    Alright, give me like 10 minutes and I'll be picking her up. You see, I haven't had time to give Roald to the person, so I first have to TT him out before I can come to your town.

    Oh, and thanks a lot for holding on to Rosie for me!
    Hello Farboi! :3
    Do you still have Rosie or have you already given her to someone else?
    Like I said, I won't be able to pick Rosie up tomorrow. I understand that you probably can't hold on to her so long.
    It's really too bad we couldn't do the trade today. ;_;
    Yeah, well, the problem is that I'm going to be on the train all day tomorrow so even if you can't come online later, I'm not going to be able to pick her up tomorrow. I don't want to void Roald either~ I hope we can do the trade today.
    You see, I have to get Roald out (who was going to move September 27 but I'm willing to TT to that date.) And someone wanted Roald ~ I hope that person is coming online soon. If the person isn't coming online soon, I guess, I'll have to void Roald~ I don't want to trouble you with Rosie all day xD
    Yeah earlier is good too I think I'm on during the day more :) thank you so much I appreciate it!
    Hey, sorry for replying so late.

    Could I pick Rosie up in the next hour? I'm GMT + 2.

    Punchy is not in default outfit and I'm not sure about his home... I haven't visited his house for weeks xD
    OMG YESSSS PLEASE!!!! That is so so awesome of you to do that!!! Okay I'm pretty sure I can be on around this time every day for a while lol. Because I'm not working until like Oct.1st. :)
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