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  • Me gani... I think maybe this will help him cheer up ba you know because of crappy "family matter" **** ba he will forget it na or w/e
    I kinda miss the forums too. Ever since Highschool started I've been a hell lot busier. I apologize if my lack of presence has been quite a bother. And ever since school started I became a lot more prone to sleep. Hahaha.
    yo man! Doing fine. Periodical Tests just finished, and struggling to keep up with my games and the internet and all.

    How 'bout you man? ;D
    I can buy you them skins now. Could you possibly do 1800 TBT and a green letter?
    **** **** I was about to contact lian about the laag something bad happen. At dinner my dad is talking to tio and it seems he is not in a mood and **** after call I told dad it woud be nice that he help Lian's family but butt in the situation would be worst and stuff dad compliment me (all the time) everytime there is an issue I would butt in after the convo. I know my mom and your mom told me not to join in but I can't because I feel like I wanna say something oh the ****ing drama

    We cant laag woth lian I was about to contact him so yeah ka lagot uie pisti
    Remember the Fnatic vs V.P thing? I won the bet. I got a new item and they returned my items
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