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  • Yeah, I know I'd like it if I bought it, but it's more of a money thing. There's several people who wanted me to get it so I could play the game with them, but if I buy it and Civ 6 comes out, then I'd only just gotten into the game. Don't wanna get it to find everyone's gone for the new one, haha. =P

    The problem is waiting for the sale to come. Sales never come when I want them too.
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I've started to get a little bored of New Leaf, now that a year has past and everything is repeating itself again. I can't wait for the new game so that I can get hyped about it again, but that's gonna be a while.

    I've been dwelling on the idea of buying Civ V, but I don't know whether to just wait for the new one to come out. Everyone says it's really good, and it really does look great.
    Hey, whatcha up to? :) Haven't seen you around for a while, but maybe that's just me.
    Half day then I go back to school for practice... Stupid Dance frikking practical test.
    I'm tired doing trigo haha
    I will do my english tomorrow
    much assignments
    much stress
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