unravel Jul 4, 2014 I will just be afk (Doing projects for boredom) tell me when you are ready nalang
unravel Jul 3, 2014 Was out mga 1:20 because there is an event They block all social network websites haha Wifi is back
unravel Jul 3, 2014 http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/understanding-the-origin-of-the-greek-gods.html\ Teacher is out so research gtg gonna clear history nyahaha
http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/understanding-the-origin-of-the-greek-gods.html\ Teacher is out so research gtg gonna clear history nyahaha
unravel Jul 2, 2014 HAHAHAHA WELCOMING GUEST DIAY (but why me dad omg) I wanna invite chiara for some weird reason tho //skyrim
HAHAHAHA WELCOMING GUEST DIAY (but why me dad omg) I wanna invite chiara for some weird reason tho //skyrim
unravel Jul 2, 2014 Che I hope we wont have to memorize this shiz I never like being leader or hosting They said tomorrow frig you net
Che I hope we wont have to memorize this shiz I never like being leader or hosting They said tomorrow frig you net
unravel Jul 2, 2014 I hipe its a lie kay I'm sure its dad or grandma wants me to do this and that. Maybe im gonna lie my dad that im busy and i have to goto my friend's house i hope its not dinner time
I hipe its a lie kay I'm sure its dad or grandma wants me to do this and that. Maybe im gonna lie my dad that im busy and i have to goto my friend's house i hope its not dinner time
unravel Jul 2, 2014 Uieee is it true or not. I hope my dad is trolling or just willing me to do this shiz
unravel Jul 2, 2014 Dad told me I'm hosting (with you) daw //please tell me its a lie ask them kay its awkward
unravel Jul 2, 2014 Please tell me the welcoming guest is a joke right? ;D I don't wanna welcome the guest and tell them where to sit and shiz
Please tell me the welcoming guest is a joke right? ;D I don't wanna welcome the guest and tell them where to sit and shiz
Aesthetic Jun 30, 2014 "Hey! If you don't want your TBT Pokeball anymore, can I buy it off of you for 2k tbt bells?"