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  • owh.. </3

    thanks buddy! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was able to figure out how ccemuka stands out, what you said sorta sums up what I was trying to tell you, but I'm pretty much horrible at expressing my thoughts xDD
    Nah I'm good I got 26/30 roflmao took me 2 hours to answer
    Yeah need to refresh my mind how to play and shiz
    you're pretty much hardcore, you think logically and don't base off most of what you say according to what you think, more of according to solid evidence c:♥
    I cant help not keeping up with the game
    its fun to watch, I don't regret leaving though I pretty much would've had a mental breakdown from the pressure and the fake accusations xDDD
    I wont ;)♥ lol wow too obvious
    GODDAMMIT I WAS SO SURE but no one listened! why? bcuz I make spammy posts~~
    man I swear I was so sure, but everyone thought it was a "desperate move to throw away attention"

    I pretty much trust your conclusions, I'm not allowed to reveal my role considering I'm replaced tho..
    Anyway expect me that I will reply late because I'm doing my assignment lol since I'm done we can chat and sht
    I didn't watch Black Bullet and ngnl
    Replied to your pm
    He was online the whole time but invisible not sure if they are coming back
    Meh I don't care plus I think I won't be able to buy my games from my wishlist because I have a feeling I will have term papers and **** starting July and I won't probably spend time using internet. I will be back if I have free time frig you school

    Goin in- Birdy Nam Nam (Skrillex Go Hard Remix)
    Doesn't matter well it's your responsibility
    Plus I can't say "aww i feel sorry for you because you lost your 3DS"
    There is one thing I learn what my parents don't learn.
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