Byngo Apr 22, 2014 So I need to drive people into leaving TBT and then ask them for their bells? Okay
Byngo Apr 22, 2014 "I got 1740 TBT Bells just by asking someone yesterday ... for free. #noregrets" Teach me your ways.
unravel Apr 22, 2014 Dad will go home tomorrow night and I'm excited for $$$ anyway here is your waifu.
unravel Apr 22, 2014 I remember in 2nd year people overreact about sample of STD and shiz and when they saw the penis thing they friking omg soo immature haha.
I remember in 2nd year people overreact about sample of STD and shiz and when they saw the penis thing they friking omg soo immature haha.
unravel Apr 22, 2014 Lolll nice anyway was reading the thread because I'm curious. I know the samples about HIV and shiz need to see poeple's reaction not all people are mature xD
Lolll nice anyway was reading the thread because I'm curious. I know the samples about HIV and shiz need to see poeple's reaction not all people are mature xD