unravel Mar 3, 2014 I think your school is following the "new---- Oh wait your class always start on August/September.
unravel Mar 3, 2014 Since I already registered ACNL so that means I need to find 1 code for 3DS and 1 code for game give me 5k TBT bells and I can get the pkmn x lel
Since I already registered ACNL so that means I need to find 1 code for 3DS and 1 code for game give me 5k TBT bells and I can get the pkmn x lel
unravel Mar 3, 2014 Whut :U Welp if I register ACNL code last year soo that means I can't get pkmn code?
unravel Mar 3, 2014 This one bahhhh!!! http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?143416-Auction-Pok%E9mon-X-download-code-(US-and-Canada-only)
This one bahhhh!!! http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?143416-Auction-Pok%E9mon-X-download-code-(US-and-Canada-only)