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  • Aah, I'm so sorry about our time difference :/
    I'm on all day today and tomorrow & monday though, so hopefully I can catch you then!!
    & I do have a few marvel scale extremespeed dratini, which either have imperfect 5 IVs or perfect 5IVs.
    I forgot to mark them so .. xD
    But I'd be more than happy to trade you for this inconvenience. :)
    Just let me know when you are available!!
    I wanna have shiny
    I gave up getting shiny protean froakie
    I gave up 6 perfect IV protean froakie
    Its what you called Tribute to Service, its like teachers day uhhhh all they have to do is party then slack off in faculty room like massage and shiz. Its a good thing I brought my 3DS haha
    Just tell me lang anyway I was breeding in school I don't care much about event so I was breeding while classhours. No teachers just student teachers and people were showing off their gadgets. Just activity then done then breeding time
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