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  • not at all! I'm pretty easy going about who lives in my town, and Cookie is adorable. I was just surprised that she turned up at all, since I've never spoken to her before. it has happened once before, and I was baffled then, too. the mechanics of how villagers move around still aren't entirely clear to me n.n
    this is random but I thought you might enjoy knowing your Cookie came to live with me :blush: out of the blue haha
    Bruce is in boxes! If you've a slot free in your town tomorrow and it would fit you maybe we can trade then? Around 1-3AM your time again? Just let me know ;)
    Oh well. Hopefully you'll find someone selling/auctioning/giving away Static soon!
    I just saw your message. If you're still able we could trade now? You can just sent the TBT right before you hop on the the train. Depending on how my Wi-Fi is doing I'll sent you a wifi rating and discount code right after the trade or a couple of hours after
    Pasmina is in boxes right now! You're in GMT+8 and I'm in CEST GMT+2, you've requested to trade during the night so if it fits you we can either trade today or tomorrow? I would be able to trade between 7-9PM my time which is 1-3AM your time. Please let me know if this okay with you or if you would like to trade on an alternative time? :)
    I just want to let you know that Bruce happens to be in my town already! I'll notify you when he's in boxes ;)
    Hi, I'm here! n.n has someone moved yet? Drop me a line when you're ready~
    Hi! Thank you for your kind offer. I would say Bruce is closer to being unoriginal and currently has Static's catchphrase. Sorry about it!
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