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  • O.m.gggggg
    I am so dumb; I was like... this light stick isn't very colorful.. derp.
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    Reactions: Firesquids
    I thought the same thing until I accidently changed it to orange and was like waitaminute
    Sorry for the delay on the spooky rooms design! I have just hit some major art-block and the creative spark isn't there... It'll be back someday... 😭
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    Reactions: Firesquids
    No worries, been so busy with these events and my kitten that I haven't had time for much else.
    Good luck snatching up hestu's aroura sky!
    🎃✨ shiny pumpkaboo says yes, and yes you are definitely zubat to the cubone ☠
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    Reactions: Firesquids
    Man I really wish there were overword shinies in Pokemon sw/sh, imagine finding a jumbo shiny one in the wild. (I've caght like 6 shiny pumpkaboos in XY lol)
    I was surprised that feature wasn't in sw/sh, but then again it's sw/sh so yeah lol

    It's crazy to think that heartgold/soulsilver did. It goes to show GF had more dedication back then. But it looks like they're really trying with Arceus Legends so we'll see. Looks pretty promising so far.
    I'm all for Game Freak trying something new and it looks like a lot of fun (here's hoping it has overworld shinies. >>)
    Also SwSh and now BDSP comes out on my birthday so they keep dragging me back in lol
    I just sent you a best friend request in ACNH so I can mail you items more quickly (for when the update drops) instead of having to sift through my giant friends list. I figured you might want help filling your catalog, but if you don't need it, no worries. ☺
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    Reactions: Firesquids
    Thanks, we can definitely help each other out, looks like there's going to be a lot.
    I'm so excited for the update, spotted lots of things I've been missing from NL! (though the update comes out on my anniversary so the timing kinda sucks lol)
    Ikr? I missed the other plants and stuff from New leaf, so just looking at the possibilities is astounding! And yeah, I want to take the day off and hit up Target, but I volunteered to host a baby shower in another city so there won't be time to enjoy everything for a couple days 😭
    Just had to tell you that your pfp + sig + lineup combination for Halloween is so amazing and perfect. ❤🎃😊
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    Reactions: Firesquids
    Why thank you, I love your pumpkin pfp too! Happy spooky season, SJ! 🦇
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    Reactions: S.J.
    Hello! :D Let me tell you, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the effort you put into reading my veeery long starting post and even answering almost all of my opinions! I didn't think anyone would!
    You wrote an interesting thing about the Dark and Fight types. I already knew that in Japanese its original name was "evil", but I confess that only very recently (like, a week ago?) I learned about its hero-villain sort of relation with the Fight type. But the Fairy type is also considered a kind of light bringer, so that's possibly why I'm being nitpicky...
    • Dino
    Reactions: Firesquids
    Haha right? GameFreak drives me crazy, some of their typing decisions just make no sense, just another example of a lazy subversion of expectations. Also dumb that Audino and Chansey didn't get changed to fairy type either.
    Exactly! How is a polluting ball Fairy, or a mischievous imp, but not the two main pkmn known for caring, nursing and healing? Really, I understand not giving a certain type to some pkmn because you as a player don't know the story about their concept, like it usually happens with Magikarp/Gyarados... but other times it definitely looks like a mistake or being completely random.
    I imagine it's probably as an attempt to balance the meta game, but if that's the reason it's a shame because it really ruins the immersion and world building for a meta that's irreparably unbalanced anyway.
    I love your lineup! And if you ever need a blue candy, you can have mine if you want!
    • Bee
    Reactions: Firesquids
    Thanks Koopa! That's sweet but I've got one already, thank you though!
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