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  • Its just hard for me to since I am trying to draw with my touch screen which I am just not used to
    Heyy! I'm so glad you like it!! Yup I was trying to test out something and I saw how cute she is so I wanted to try drawing her~

    Thanks for your kind words, I truly appreciate it! Thanks for adding me too ^^ Have a nice day/night~ o/
    Hi there! I wanted to try out something and decided to use your character, Celeste as my victim, -erm- model! since she's so cute~ So, please accept this as a gift! Link: [x] and in spoiler in case you can see that better:
    Sorry for the bother and hope you like it!
    I have finished!! I will upload it when I get time, which will be super soon. probably by the end of the day quq
    it's okay if I made her a cheeb, right?? It's a fullbody, and she seemed like a character that suited a cheeb quq
    I felt like maybe if they added settings to make it look a lot worse my frame rate would be better at least.
    aaa thank you for reminding me!! I have the outline/sketch ready, I just have to colour it and tidy up. I'm sorry quq I kinda had no motivation for a while, but I have done a few other works that were requested before this. sorry about this quq
    Oh my god I did not even realize that until you pointed it out. XD I would totally get overwatch it's just my only console that could handle it (my pc) can barely run it. I remember launching it when it was free for a little bit and my computer crashed.
    For me it's the exact same, except I have been playing Yokai Watch which I got a few weeks ago. It's really great! I beat the main story already which was like 30ish hours? But there is so much post game. I'm about 40 something hours into the game now (on record its about 38 but that's not including all of the ours of me trying to get the special gem cats that just got released in the NA version).
    They told me my post was too long so here's the rest:
    I really do wish there was a way to keep them. I own happy home designer as well but don't play it nearly as much as new leaf for some reason. I think because I got happy home designer so later after it's release that my hyper for it had died down a little. Oh! I also own a decent amount of amiibo cards (like 30 something) I really like the amiibo cards so I ended up buying them like last month, not including the first pack I got when I bought the game.
    Ayyy 3/4 of our favorite personality types are the same! That's pretty awesome. Well, my current villagers are: 3ish Years (got the game on release date): Bangle, Cherry, Ken, Graham. 2ish Years: Dotty.
    Less than a year: Mira, Filbert, Wolfgang, Brocollo, Annalise. A lot of my long time villagers left as I said, Graham was the replacement
    to my original favorite (He ended up in the same house location) which was Derwin (he was one of my original members of my town) another one of my favorites that was one of my originals was Samson the mouse. I think Annalise actually wanted to move so she might be gone unless I can stop her in time, I don't play nearly as much as I used to like I said because of all of my favorites moving.
    Anytime! ;) Nice favorites ~ ! My friend used to have Bam in his town when he first started out, and that was his original favorite so he soon became important to me too. My all time favorites are Bill, Deli, Teddy, Bangle and Cherry. Deli and Bill are probably tied for my all time favorites, and when Deli left after 2.5 years I legitimately cried (I know wut) soon after my other favorite Bill left and new leaf was never the same for me. (Oh Teddy left too eventually, but the impact was a lot less since my main baes had already transcended to ac heaven) Bangle and Cherry were two of my original villagers though and they are still here. Jock and Lazy are my favorite male personalities, Uchi and Peppy for female.
    It's all my pleasure honestly, I just enjoy looking at other people's art. I'll be sure to look you up than, I don't mind if it's older stuff I'm sure it's great.

    Sorta edit: I just looked at your artwork and oh my god do I love it. Your style is super adorable! hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    It's perfect!

    I don't know what I'm doing anymore so I'll ask, what are your favorite villagers? : ^ ) (It's been a long while since Ive talked to someone online)
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