Ayyy 3/4 of our favorite personality types are the same! That's pretty awesome. Well, my current villagers are: 3ish Years (got the game on release date): Bangle, Cherry, Ken, Graham. 2ish Years: Dotty.
Less than a year: Mira, Filbert, Wolfgang, Brocollo, Annalise. A lot of my long time villagers left as I said, Graham was the replacement
to my original favorite (He ended up in the same house location) which was Derwin (he was one of my original members of my town) another one of my favorites that was one of my originals was Samson the mouse. I think Annalise actually wanted to move so she might be gone unless I can stop her in time, I don't play nearly as much as I used to like I said because of all of my favorites moving.