Florence + The Machine

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  • I just got online right now. Just message me back when you're ready since I have free space.
    i'm trying to get zucker now but i doubt i'd be able to get him xD i'm willing to trade colton for him ^u^ , and yeah their basically the last ones i need i just need to make sure i get francine from the person who offered her for free but looks like they havent been on for a bit @.@
    it's fine ^w^ i know, same here with school it's hard to manage everything Dx but take your time c:
    Thanks for holding her. I was just worried since I'll probably be really busy tomorrow and the week after.
    Any updates on Astrid? I wanted to let you know that I might not be online tomorrow as I will be going to college to move in to my dorm that day.
    Well, they're online, but not ready at the moment. How long until Astrid is ready. I might just postpone Kyle, and work on moving Curly or Rowan out.
    No, I don't want Poppy, and I'm waiting to for Kyle to be picked up for space. Isn't Poppy kind of popular? I don't know anyone looking for her right now, but I know there a lot of people who like her.
    I had 9 villagers at the time, so I was just wondering. Curly moved in the same way, which is why I'm now doing trades at other people's towns instead of my own.
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