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  • Jetzt ist es bald soweit, nur noch 15 Stunden! Wirst du es auch direkt um Mitternacht spielen? :)
    Of course. They block websites that are specifically for adults only and websites that don't block adult contents. They used to block Tumblr but since it released a new policy, they unblocked it

    I'm fine with that, except they still block Reddit
    NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! i hope everything works out for u with animal crossing and urself
    take care of urself okay!!!
    also ur sig and avatar are so cute...
    omgg : ((( stay safe flyff!!!!
    my classes are moved online and idk how long im gonna be at home for... the only thing keeping me going is animal crossing rn
    Bei uns gehen die so ab mit Hamsterkäufen. Hab heute nicht mal mehr Toilettenpapier bekommen xD
    Sorry for the late replay! We could also switch to german even if it would feel strange xD Of course Vienna I am on the other end of Austria, vorarlberg ;o; and now we have a lock down begining monday can't wait for NH since my University is also closed. Sooooo boring! Looking forward to play with you soon! :)
    Ah so happy that you wrote me ;o; I am always suprised how many from Austria and Germany are actually here! From which state are you? Are you excited for new horizons? ^-^
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