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  • your bejeweled celeste/blathers egg was so creative and amazingly executed 🖤 sorry you didnt get the nomination you wanted, but it really was well done 🙏🥺 i hope you feel better soon
    Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. ❤ I was really hoping to place in this event, so I could get an eggie collectible. It's just discouraging because I spent like $50-75 on supplies and spent over 24 hours making it, which doesn't sound like alot, but it took alot of time away from my husband and son, as I spent all of my free time for a week doing it. I probably should've taken better pictures, and pictures of both sides. :(
    yeah thats understandable 🙏 its still a very cool egg, your hard work definitely shows :)
    Can I just say that your lineup is looking extremely gorgeous, or is that just me? ;)
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    Reactions: Foreverfox
    Thank you so much!!! 🥰😍 I'm really working hard on it! I love the blue, purple, and green! Yours looks lovely as well! 🤩
    I can really tell! It's also nice to see some generous folk have been helping you as well 😊 I recently bought the gradient feather set (quite expensive!) but I'm super happy I did 😍 it put me in the mood to draw, as you can see by my profile pic~
    Yes! Super generous people! And I bet the gradient set was a pretty penny, but it's super pretty looking! I love your drawing! I'd like to get back into drawing soon too.
    congrats on getting the nightmare egg!! i just noticed you have one now. ^^
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    Reactions: Foreverfox
    Thank you so much!! 🥰 I'm soo excited! It will always be part of my lineup! 🤩
    bro I LITERALLY just noticed you have a nightmare egg now, I have no clue how I missed that but accept by belated congrats!!! 🎉🎈🎁
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    Reactions: Foreverfox
    Hahaha thank youuuu!!! 🤩 I was in such disbelief when I got the message about it! I'm so excited! Now I have to figure out how to make a ton of tbt to eventually get an all eggie lineup!
    Congrats on the Nightmare Egg!
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    Reactions: Foreverfox
    Thank you soo much!! 🤩🥰 I was, and still am in such disbelief! I had to read the message like 10 times before replying just to make sure I wasn't imagining it or going crazy!
    Oh my god, I took a break from tbt and now you have a nightmare egg! HUGE Congrats on your dream collectible!
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    Reactions: Foreverfox
    Thank you sooo much!!! I got a message asking if I was still buying one 2 days ago and I was in disbelief!! It came at the right time, my poor cat has just been soo sick. He has a CT scan tomorrow. 😥🥺
    Aww, I know how it goes with the pets. Best wishes to your cat, and congratulations once again!
    That's a fancy Nightmare Egg right there. CONGRATS!!!
    Thank you soo much, friend!!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I got the messege about it today!! I'm giving it proper tribute as the lone collectible in my lineup for a week...except for the firework, because it's expensive and disappears lol. Plus, fireworks seem appropriate for the joy of my new eggie 😂
    Your avatar is amazing, I hope you get that Nightmare Easter Egg really soon! 🥺
    lol I love your new avatar! I hope you find your nightmare eggie soon! If I had one I would totally give it to you!

    I can't believe you haven't got a nightmare egg by now; I didn't even think they were that rare at this point 😅 I hope you find one soon though! (Also p.s. sorry about this random message LOL)
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