staticistic1114 Apr 1, 2014 I dunno I thought maybe you're one of the people who (like my friend) choses male mayor when she's female or vice versa
I dunno I thought maybe you're one of the people who (like my friend) choses male mayor when she's female or vice versa
staticistic1114 Apr 1, 2014 your welcome♥ umm.. I know this is awkward but.. are you a boy or a girl?
staticistic1114 Apr 1, 2014 ahaha xD yeah well I'm still having issues with my DS, it was suppose to work 2 days ago... if there's anyone nice, its gotta be you♥
ahaha xD yeah well I'm still having issues with my DS, it was suppose to work 2 days ago... if there's anyone nice, its gotta be you♥
staticistic1114 Apr 1, 2014 I didn't tell him you were giving him roses, it was suppose to be a surprise♥ haha but yeah he just ignores me when I tell him to, I did so twice but yeah.. and I think I prolly do cuz of this certain thread I started
I didn't tell him you were giving him roses, it was suppose to be a surprise♥ haha but yeah he just ignores me when I tell him to, I did so twice but yeah.. and I think I prolly do cuz of this certain thread I started
staticistic1114 Mar 11, 2014 coolios~~ I play Castle Crashers, Minecraft, Just Dance 2014, Black Ops 2
C C ccapecod Oct 17, 2013 Went to visit your dream town as you told me, it's very nice! Super relaxing and cute <3 I love it!
N N NobleAlyssum Sep 12, 2013 Hi! You are VividVero's friend that wanted Ankha right? She's ready to move if you want her now.