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  • Oh my goodness congratulations!!! And thank you so much for everything you've already done, I'm so happy you were able to finish on time!
    Congrats! I managed to catch one of the winter butterflies you sent my way as well! Dropped one more gold winter off, and I noticed you have another one already next to it, so hopefully you'll get lucky on one of those two!
    Awe thank you!! Much appreciated! Let me know how it goes, I have a couple more if you don't have good luck with these 3 :)
    On my way over with the gold winter butterflies now! I managed to find 3 for you!
    Remind me, what's you're in game name again? I would hate to accidentally send them to the wrong person
    Thank you again for being so generous, I'm already at 31 topaz, so I'm really hopeful that I can grab the Rover floor before it's too late. I saw your post that you lost the 2 gold winter butterflies, but I managed to find a couple more and they're all yours if you still need them! Let me know and I'll drop by again :)
    ah thanks, but you deserve it!
    did u say that was your first jack o lantern? wow, that's an impressive first effort. (are you a scupltor or something?)
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