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  • heya, i did visit your dream town but bc its not actually sci fi/techy, so i didn't wanna put my comments in the thread, but here's a bit:
    i really like the simplicity of your landscaping and the focus on plazas, around the pwps and just in general, the neat way that the map is laid out, in addition to the "boxes" of landscaping and pwps, and the WONDERFUL inclusion of rocks in the landscaping, are super good to my organized self. the walkway leading to the cube and the cube itself are by far my favorite feature. i love everything about the set up !
    i think what's lacking for me is a more developed unique sense of character. the town is called fruitcup, but other than the pear orchard and the clothes given, there doesn't seem much adherence to that theme. in addition, the lack of interactive pwps or interactive/streetpass/equippable items seems to make the less compelling than it could be. i think with some small additions, it could really be even more lovely !
    I love Fruitcup! Thank you for the nice dream :) it makes me want to fix my town that is alittle messy at the moment, haha!
    I just wanted to say that your village is absolutely GORGEOUS. I spent like a whole half hour exploring through your dream address ahhhhh <33
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