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  • Of course, my friend is still asleep so I can't go get my stuff atm but I'll message you later when I can drop them off!

    It's alright, I'm way more concerned about your town than mine :/ The most important thing to me was my catalog and I got my exact same map again so it's all good on my end, I'm just worried about your game QQ I hope it'll be alright, just hang in there and wait for the fix.

    I'm honestly scared to even use amiibos now since someone said this same glitch can happen to people who use amiibos on their own? Dunno if it's true but it's still scary.
    I know but I still feel terrible.. I moved all my stuff to my friend's island before I reset so I still have the tickets. The offer is there so if you want them just let me know ;w;

    Bleh, here's what happened: Julian agreed to move in via Amiibo, and the next day I looked at the house and it said he was already moved in and outside?? The house still looked like Pompom's. I looked EVERYWHERE for Julian and he was nowhere to be found, not even in any shops or the museum. His icon on my map was invisible. :/ It's absolutely crazy.

    I reset because I'm impatient and I don't want to wait for Nintendo to notice and fix this glitch. I wouldn't recommend resetting your island at least not til we know if it's fixable or not.
    Hello again. I am crushed to hear that Pompom has also bugged out, I really thought she was safe :/ You paid 3 Nook Mile tickets for her right? Please let me know when you're available later today so I can refund you your tickets.
    Either you can try once more or I can put him in boxes for you again since I have his card. What would you like to do?
    That's very odd. He's not going anywhere else b/c I just put him in boxes for you. What did Bam say when you talked to him? Did he mention moving? Did you keep talking to him until he mentioned your town?
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