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  • If you need any help with our auction post, just let me know. I'll be lurking for awhile :3
    Oh my goodness, thank you! It seems like such a simple thing but I was struggling with it for a long time without knowing what to search for! Thank you very much, you have been a great help!
    My signature looks wonderful, thank you! I like it a lot and you chose the background I was leaning toward lol. And I don't mean to be annoying but I need an update already... Gayle no longer lives in town and Beau and Butch have moved in! There's no rush on it though, thank you so much ^^
    Ah, what I mean is that the background can be animated, and then you add non animated things to it as well. Do you add the non animated items frame by frame also? I'm sorry I'm not very good at explaining what I mean.
    Hello! I just had a quick question regarding your signatures! How do you maintain the animation in the pixel backgrounds? If it's a trade secret, I understand. I'm just curious! Lovely signatures by the way. c:
    Hihi, just wanted to update you about your mayor art! I was done and then Sai crashed and didn't save, so I have to restart the coloring process. I'm SUPER sorry this is taking so long. Sai just won't corporate when I try to work on your mayor art. D; </3
    hey again :3 I added your fc, I hope that's alright :eek: I bought a pot o gold in lush today! it's so weird ^.^
    awe, thanks, i haven't sleep in over 24 hours so im really sorry for being so complicated and not just reading your op thread, im just so tired and sick ; v ;;
    Also, two things

    I had asked for names underneath ; v ;;?
    And, could you make the "shikabon yui" part = like, in a cursive font
    along with an update of i have diana and fauna

    omg sorry so much complication, if you can do all this, how much extra tbt ?
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