Leela Dec 19, 2014 You can ask if I can join yours, I don't want you having to switch between two chatzies
Leela Dec 17, 2014 First thing you ever said to me~ (I'm pretty sure) Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for this giveaway <3 I have to say music rocks my socks ^^ My preference is bells, furniture and then fruit <3 So glad I held that giveaway :3
First thing you ever said to me~ (I'm pretty sure) Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for this giveaway <3 I have to say music rocks my socks ^^ My preference is bells, furniture and then fruit <3 So glad I held that giveaway :3
M M Myst Dec 14, 2014 No problem. I hope to see you around the WishyCo forum/club even after the contest is over~
Leela Dec 13, 2014 Sorry I missed you earlier; I was busy in my life outside TBT, which is pretty much non-existent most of the time. Real life can be a pain.
Sorry I missed you earlier; I was busy in my life outside TBT, which is pretty much non-existent most of the time. Real life can be a pain.
Beleated_Media Dec 13, 2014 Fashion! THE HUMANITY Eh we all have our own taste (mine is everything) and also X is superior to Y