F F Flickster Sep 18, 2014 Girl I am so sorry I am on my way to the barn, could we do tomorrow at 5? Also so glad you're feeling better!!
Girl I am so sorry I am on my way to the barn, could we do tomorrow at 5? Also so glad you're feeling better!!
F F Flickster Sep 17, 2014 I would love love those paths and rainbow flowers I can get my gates open whenever you're ready! Thank you so much!!
I would love love those paths and rainbow flowers I can get my gates open whenever you're ready! Thank you so much!!
F F Flickster Sep 16, 2014 I am so sorry I was at the barn with my horse, but I will be on tomorrow from 5 until whenever. Trust me though, I know the feeling. If you ever need a break just tell me! <3 also so so sorry I got back to you this late
I am so sorry I was at the barn with my horse, but I will be on tomorrow from 5 until whenever. Trust me though, I know the feeling. If you ever need a break just tell me! <3 also so so sorry I got back to you this late
samsquared Sep 15, 2014 Yeah, sorry, I was waiting for a message on TBT, so I closed my DS and thought the gate just shut on its own. I'm back from work now and I'm opening!
Yeah, sorry, I was waiting for a message on TBT, so I closed my DS and thought the gate just shut on its own. I'm back from work now and I'm opening!
F F Flickster Sep 15, 2014 Hey there, my gates are open if you're ready! I am starting my hw so vm me if you need anything
samsquared Sep 14, 2014 Okay, I'm on! Did you want to meet up now? At some point? I was at work, but I'm home now reading, so ~ I'll be around!
Okay, I'm on! Did you want to meet up now? At some point? I was at work, but I'm home now reading, so ~ I'll be around!
F F Flickster Sep 14, 2014 Thank you so much! What ever time tomorrow, I come home from school at 4;30 (Eastern Time Zone) if you want to do it any time after that
Thank you so much! What ever time tomorrow, I come home from school at 4;30 (Eastern Time Zone) if you want to do it any time after that
F F Flickster Sep 14, 2014 Awh okay, that may be because my qr code machine isn't tere yet, I am sorry! Ill open my gates again.
Awh okay, that may be because my qr code machine isn't tere yet, I am sorry! Ill open my gates again.