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  • Yay! Can I have your FC? I think I had you registered before, but I actually recently switched systems. My FC is 3754 6763 3133
    I hear you have reached ridiculously amazing levels of fuzzitude! I added that word to my dictionary lol.

    Anyone else reading this will be like "Bwaaah?!"
    She cooks! *shoom*
    and it's her passion! It's great. She's so cute and nice and it's a good book. The love interests are... full of surprises, to say the least.
    Azumanga Daioh! It's amazing!
    Tokyo Mew Mew is a really good intro into manga: it's really girly and magical and will get you used to the character types and stuff.
    I really think you'd like Kitchen Princess, too. You should really try that one if you get a chance.
    lol def, me too, I have to go to work at 8 *cries*
    good night! have a good time at church!
    I added you. Let me know when you can open your gate. I am going to bed in about ten minutes though!
    Ooooh, sounds fun.


    You can always have two characters if you want. hehe
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